
Archive for December, 2008

* Yule Blessings! *

Yule is my absolute favorite of all the holidays!  The spirit of Yule and the pure joy it makes me feel each year is something that I want all year!  I love doing things for people just to make them happy or make them smile!  It really is the joy of giving to others that makes me smile!

I find in these times that many people are too caught up in the commercialization and twisted meanings that have come to define this wonderful holiday!  Some words that come to mind are: spoiled, greed, selfish, expensive, and rude!  This is not what this celebration is really about and those of us that understand the true meaning behind this holiday should make every effort to show and educate as many as we can!!

This year, my family decided to enjoy the spirit of this wonderful holiday and I arranged to give the kids a nice, stuffed stocking full of little “stocking stuffer” items they use or like.  Also, I decided to incorporate the old and true tradition of Yule … The 12 Days of Yule!  Beginning on December 21st, I layed 12 wrapped gifts for each child under the tree and every day they get to open one.  They are really enjoying this!  Next year, we are going to make Yule gifts for each other (not 12, just one for each person), maybe ornaments or something.  I think that is more memorable!

So, in the true spirit of Yule, take some time this week to do things for others just for the sake of doing them!  Call someone up you miss or write a letter or send a card, offer some help to your neighbor, help a few people at the store, etc.  There are so many ways to show people the kind person you really are so get up, get out, and let the spirit flow through you!

May you and your family have a very blessed Yule season!


Brightest Blessings,


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