
Posts Tagged ‘domestic violence’

Break the Silence

Abuse is NOT a private matter! 

Domestic abuse of a spouse or partner is intolerable and needs to be fought by everyone – friends, family, neighbors, and the community as a whole!!!  It IS your business so stop ignoring what you have heard and witnessed!  The abused have enough fear of their own, they do NOT need your fear, they need your help!

Child abuse is is absolutely horrendous and should be exposed quickly!  These poor babies do not stand a chance against an adult and cannot defend themselves!  The abusers are monsters without a concious and cannot be rehabilitated!  The laws need to be changed to serve proper justice!  The punishment for the crime of child abuse and child abuse that results in the death of a child certainly does not equal justice!  The sentences are too short and these children are returned to the homes of the abusers repeatedly prior to their deaths, this in itself should constitute premeditated murder because the abuser will not stop until either 1. they are forcibly stopped by arrest, jail, etc. or 2. the abused cannot stay strong anymore and dies!  STOP THE ABUSERS BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!!!!

Too many reports are coming out that there are people – friends, family, neighbors, etc. – that know about the abuse and do absolutely NOTHING!!!  The result is that the abused are being murdered and those that knew feel “bad” after-the-fact, but that is NOT good enough!  The laws need to include harsher penalties for those who watch it happen and allow it to continue without so much as an anonymous call for help!  I am sure you have access to or can obtain a video camera, a digital camera, a voice recorder, something that you can turn in (even mail in anonymously) to help start an investigation!  Do SOMETHING!  DO ANYTHING!!!

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